Thank You Appalachian Medical Cannabis

“…In survey periods covering September 20 – October 30 of 2023, close to 16 percent of people with children said they did not have enough food, up from nearly 14 percent who responded during the periods covering October 5 through November 14, 2022…”

Annual Thanksgiving Baskets Were Distributed

November in Martinsburg brings several holiday traditions, including CCAP/Loaves & Fishes’ Thanksgiving baskets.  This year, 294 low-income, underserved families signed up for Thanksgiving baskets.  The baskets contained a turkey, canned vegetables, stuffing, pumpkin pie ingredients, and other traditional holiday foods.   CCAP/L&F representative explained that this could only be done with the community’s support through…

Thank You Scouts

CCAP/L&F wishes to thank the local scouts for their recent door-to-door food drive! For the 1-in-5 kids in West Virginia struggling with food insecurity, it doesn’t just mean their bellies aren’t full; it means they have a tougher time in the classroom learning, and their development and growth is impacted.

Thank You! Community Markets Inc.

Thank You! Community Markets Inc. for donating food to CCAP/L&F. Organizations working together! Global hunger crisis in 2023 “After steadily declining for a decade, world hunger is rising, affecting nearly 10% of people globally. From 2019 to 2022, the number of undernourished people grew by as many as 150 million, a crisis driven largely by…

Paynes Chapel UMC Thank You

Thank you so much for hosting a Community Dinner and collecting food for CCAP/L&F’s food pantry. The contribution is greatly appreciated and will help many families in need. 1 in 7 West Virginians goes hungry daily, and in West Virginia 13.9% food insecurity rate.

Thank You Inwood Primary

CCAP/L&F wants to thank Inwood Primary for its humongous food drive. In West Virginia, 217,690 people are facing hunger – and of them 63,070 are children. face hunger. 1 in 6 children faces hunger.

Thank You! Food Lion of Falling Waters

CCAP/L&F thanks Food Lion of Falling Waters for their donation. The need is great.  According to WV Foodlink’s 2021 Food Access Profile, Berkeley County has a 13.4% rate of food insecurity overall and 44.5% of SNAP recipients in Berkeley County are children.