Give Funds


We are a 501(c)3 non-profit, charitable tax-exempt corporation, so donations to CCAP/Loaves and Fishes are tax deductible for individuals and organizations

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit, charitable tax-exempt corporation, so donations to CCAP/Loaves and Fishes are tax deductible for individuals and organizations. We also participate in the West Virginia Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP).

Your tax-deductible donations help local individuals in many ways and have helped many local residents return to financial self-sufficiency. Call us at 304-263-3940 or 304-267-2810 to discuss how you can contribute financially.

Common ways to make financial donations:

  • *The quickest way is to use our donation portal
  • *Make a direct financial donation to CCAP/Loaves and Fishes.
  • *Ask your employer to make a donation.
  • *Designate CCAP when you donate to United Way.
  • *We participate in Combined Federal Campaign  Our CFC  number is 85648.  
  • *Remember CCAP/Loaves & Fishes in your will or bequests.
  • *Ask your Pastor to make your church a CCAP member. We receive much of our financial support from member