Thank You FirstEnergy Foundation

CCAP/Loaves&Fishes and our clients thank FirstEnergy Foundation for their financial donations. The monies will help our clients during the cold winter. “…Backed by our (FirstEnergy) vision to invest in transformative organizations that enhance the vitality, sustainability and diversity of the communities we serve, we support non-profit, tax-exempt organizations within the FirstEnergy operating companies’ service areas…”

We want to thank Burns & McDonnell of Richmond VA

With their food donation we will be able to continue to feed our clients. 41 percent of adults in households with children, and 35 percent of adults overall, reported difficulty paying household expenses.

Airborne Congregation – Thank You!

Thank You! Airborne Church for the recent congregational food donation. *** As families in West Virginia now work to recover from the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our neighbors remain unable to put food on the table.

Thank You OmniTrax!

A team from OmniTrax helped CCAP/Loaves & Fishes distribute the Christmas dinner kits and also made a financial donation. “What happens when food prices go up is food insecurity for those who are experiencing it just gets worse,” said Kaite Fitzgerald, chief operating officer of Feeding Americal.

Thank You Rust-oleum

CCAP/Loaves & Fishes wishes to thank Rust-oleum for their recent donation. We may not always think about it, but our next door neighbor could be facing hunger.

Thank you to Sister ACTS for donating boxes of Scalloped Potatoes!

Sister ACTS generously donated  boxes of scalloped and au gratin potatoes to CCAP/Loaves & Fishes for their Christmas baskets. Unfortunately, millions of Americans were not able to get back up on their feet and currently face food and housing insecurity this holiday season. It’s estimated that, in the U.S., one in nine people struggles with…

Thank You! Spherion Staffing & Recruiting

CCAP/Loaves & Fishes wishes to thank Spherion Staffing & Recruiting  and their people for the recent financial donation! *** This donation will help our clients during the holidays and the cold winter.