BCT honors 150th anniversary with donations to local nonprofits

MARTINSBURG — In 1871, the Bank of Charles Town opened its doors for the first time, and since that day, BCT has put the community first, being known as “The Community’s Bank.” With the community in mind now more than ever, BCT celebrated its 150th anniversary by giving back to the people who have been…

Thank You Crestfield!

CCAP/Loaves & Fishes and their clients wish to thank Crestfield for their food drives. More Americans are going hungry now than at any point during the deadly coronavirus pandemic, according to a Post analysis of new federal data. Experts say it is likely that there’s more hunger in the United States today than at any…

Inwood Primary Thank You!

We want to thank Inwood Primary for their recent food drive.  During this pandemic more people are struggling and need assistance.

Thank You Rankin PT

CCAPL&F wishes to thank Rankin PT for their food drives. It is estimated that 250,600 people in this state struggle with hunger every day. Of those, 73,770 are children.

Harry – Thank You for Everything!

CCAP/L&F’s most Senior Volunteer, Harry is 91.  He retired when the Pandemic started, but still makes regular food donations! “…The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of families without stable employment. More than 50 million people, including 17 million children, may experience food insecurity…”

Thank You! Thos Somerville Co.

Thanks to Thomas Somerville Co for hosting a Food Drive for CCAP/L&F!  Company employees Brad & Shannon delivered 224 pounds of food! “…Children are more likely to face food insecurity than any other group in the United States…”

2020 a year of loss and lessons for CCAP/ Loaves and Fishes

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have grown so weary of hearing the two terms ‘in these uncertain times’ and ‘the normal,’’’ Van Metre said. “Yet, I realize that we have all been looking for a way to define what happened to us in 2020 and continues into this year, and…

Thank You St. Joseph!

CCAP/Loaves&Fishes wishes to thank St. Joe’s School for their recent food donation. The donation will help feed our clients during the winter months.