Author: cathy_ruley17

Thank You Knaufinsulation

CCAP/L&F wishes to thank Knaufinsulation for their donation. “…In West Virginia, 21.3 percent of adults say that “there was either sometimes or often not enough to eat in the last seven days. Those statistics are 10 percent higher than the national average…”

Thank You ! Arden Trinity Lutheran Church, Martinsburg WV

Arden Church members and other volunteers helped to hand out Thanksgiving Kits.  The kits were packed based on family size and included the traditional Thanksgiving side dishes and a chicken or turkey.  In West Virginia, 217,000 people are struggling with hunger – and of them 63,070 are children!  

Thank You Pikeside United Methodist Church

Pikeside United Methodist Church had a recent “Stuff-a-Truck event and collected food for CCAP/L&F. Thank You! West Virginia’s food insecurity ranking was about 10 percentage points higher than the national level, which was slightly more than 11%

Thank You! Berkeley Heights Elementary

CCAP/L&F wants to thank Berkeley Heights Elementary for its food donation. In West Virginia, 217,690 people are facing hunger – and of them 63,070 are children. face hunger. 1 in 6 children faces hunger

Once again, Sister ACTS went above and beyond!

Sister Act donated 197.3 pounds of food to CCAP/Loaves & Fishes. (25 jars of peanut butter, 3 bottles of jelly, 34 jars of spaghetti sauce, and 43 cereal boxes.) Amazing! CCAP/Loaves & Fishes is experiencing an uptick in client traffic as the winter is coming.

Thank You! The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute of Shepherdstown, WV

for Your Recent Donation of Meal Kits. Under the supervision of Margarita Carey and Christine Lepine, M.S., The Conservation Fund participated in a ‘give back’ activity offered by Meals of Hope and assembled over 5,000 meal kits. The Conservation Fund shared their donation among several organizations. “…West Virginia has a child food insecurity rate of…

Martin’s of Court House Square – Thank you!

Martin’s of Court House Square ran for several days a campaign “Fill a Plate”. The food donated by customers and staff filled 3 boxes! West Virginia has a child food insecurity rate of 17.3%, which ranks #8 highest among all states. (data from Feeding America)

Inwood Primary School held a great food drive

Thank You! We appreciate the support for our community. According to the latest estimates, as many as 13 million children in the United States live in “food insecure” homes.