Author: cathy_ruley17

Thank You! Airborne Church

CCAP/Loaves&Fishes wishes to than Airborne Church for their recent food donation. In West Virginia there are one in five struggling with hunger. This donation will help fight hunger.

Thank You! West Virginia Eastern Panhandle FCA

CCAP/Loaves&Fishes wants to thank West Virginia Eastern Panhandle FCA for their recent food drive! People struggle with hunger in every county and congressional district in West Virginia and this donation will help with the fight against hunger.

Battle of the Banks

Recently local banks in our community held a food drive for CCAP/Loaves&Fishes. They battled against each other to see which bank could collect the most food for the food drive. The true winner in the “Battle of the Banks” was CCAP and their clients!

Thanksgiving Feast Kits

We wish to thank all those that donated food and volunteered, especially members of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Kilmer’s Orchards and Church of Martinsburg.  We assisted with over 200 families.

Local Boy Scouts Held a Food Drive

Several of the local Boy Scouts troops recently held a food drive and CCAP/Loaves & Fishes wishes to thank them for their efforts. Hunger affects children’s physical and cognitive development prenatally, perinatally, during early years, and some of the effects continue through adolescents and adulthood.